
We invite you to join the newly formed Alabama Urology Network! Membership means joining your colleagues in the only specialty society in Alabama that works to protect the urology profession and patient’s access to quality care.

Member Benefits

The 2023 legislative session is sure to involve many challenges for physicians. The Alabama Urology Network (AUN) will be the voice and advocate for urologists when legislative issues arise such as scope of practice, chaperones in the exam room, and prior authorization. Our voice is much stronger as a group than alone.

We will ensure that issues of importance are communicated to all members to provide timely updates on what is affecting the practice of medicine here in Alabama.

AUN members receive updates on legislation, what it means to your practice, and how to contact committee members to voice your opinion. Also, we help you stay up-to date on events affecting Alabama’s urologists. With the ever-changing political landscape and public health concerns, getting information from a reliable source is more important than ever. Let us be your connection! Your voice counts!

Your membership includes webinars that provide relevant education on various topics affecting your practice. In addition to these webinars, you can attend our yearly conference at a discounted rate and earn CME. Make plans to join us Oct. 6-8 in Gulf Shores for our 2023 conference.

Our educational offerings are the perfect opportunity for you to network with urologists from around Alabama. Whether to make connections for referrals, or to just make friends with the same interests as you, your membership with AUN provides those opportunities.
You’ve already invested in your career. Your membership in AUN is a vital continuation of that investment.

Join Us Today!

Join or Renew Online – (or

Print a 2025 dues – AUN member statement_2025

If you have questions, contact Meghan Martin at (334) 954-2500 or by e-mail at